The placement assessment results will be used to determine the most appropriate courses for you as you move forward with your college coursework. After taking a placement assessment, you should meet with your student success coach to review the results and enroll in the best classes based on your scores.
This is a “placement assessment,” not a test. The difference is that a placement assessment is designed to determine what you know, and what you need to work on. At the end of the ALEKS PPL assessment, you will have a much better sense of your strengths and weaknesses in math. You then have a chance to brush on topics that you may have forgotten or haven’t practiced for some time.
Be honest
It's important to take the placement assessment seriously and give it your best effort. This ensures the placement assessment truly reflects your current level of math preparedness. There is no benefit to cheating on the placement assessment – if not taken seriously, you may be enrolled in a class that is too difficult or not challenging enough, which costs you time and money. Therefore, while taking the placement assessment, you should not consult any outside sources for help (friends/family, internet searches, textbooks, notes etc.).
ALEKS PPL assessments are proctored remotely (online) with using Respondus Monitor. We reserve the right to require a student to take a Placement Assessment in a proctored environment.
After the Assessment
Upon completion of the placement assessment, your scores are sent to your student success coach. Your coach will review your scores and help make appropriate recommendations for course registration.