
At a Glance

Civil • Computer • Industrial • Mechanical • Aeronautical • Chemical

If you like science and problem solving, engineering science may be just the area of study for you. Design, building, machines and structures are all a part of engineering. With tracks in civil, computer, industrial, mechanical (aeronautical, manufacturing, mechanics) and chemical engineering, LLCC’s engineering program provides students a strong foundation for transfer to a four-year college or university.

Job Outlook


Engineering Science program classes have standard tuition rates. For the 2024-2025 academic year (fall 2024, spring 2025 and summer 2025), these classes have an in-district rate of $140 per credit hour. Get more information on tuition and fees.

Books sold separately.

Learn more about cost of attendance.

There are ways to get help paying for college. Learn more about paying for college.

Getting Started

Explore available engineering classes in LoggerCentral.

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